Kenya Utalii College management is committed to sustaining its mandate of training qualified professionals for the hospitality and tourism industry.
Dear Alumnus,
KUCAA endeavors to represent the interests of Kenya Utalii College Alumni. The Association also motivates members to be good ambassadors of the institution in the larger hospitality and tourism industry where a majority practices our trade.
All former students of the institution to join the association so that we can further the great name of KUC. To this end, please allow me to give a brief about the association as outlined below:
The Kenya Utalii College Alumni Association (KUCAA) was formed and registered in February 1997 as a legal entity that is non-political, non-religious, non-profit making and gender non-discriminatory. It was launched 0n 26th November 1998, at a ceremony graced by the then minister for Tourism and Wildlife, Hon. Henry Kosgey. The association aims to bring together all graduates and friends of the college.

Our Vision
To be the leading alumni Association in Hospitality and Tourism industry.
Our Mission
To represent the common interests of the members and to utilize their talents and knowledge in support of Kenya Utalii College in its quest to consolidate its position as a leading centre of excellence in hospitality and tourism education.
Our Objectives
- To encourage interaction between Kenya Utalii College and its alumni
- To inform the alumni about the work, development and general activities at the Kenya Utalii College.
- To engender support or the Kenya Utalii College and its various undertakings from alumni.
- To defend common interests of the alumni and represent matters of general concern to the authorities, the industry, the unions and the public at large.
- To be a forum that will bring together the Alumni who are professionals within the Hospitality and Tourism industry in an environment in which they can exchange their experiences and know-how.
- The Association shall be non-political, non-religious, non-profit making and gender discriminatory.
The Executive Committee
The association is governed by the executive committee as the top organ headed by the chairperson. Other members of the committee are the secretary general, the treasurer, vice chairperson, assistant secretary, assistant treasurer, deputy director of studies alumni and placement and the alumni coordinator. Current office bearers are:
Name |
Position |
1. |
Mark Rachuonyo |
Chairman |
2. |
Ms. Kellen Ndii |
Vice Chairperson |
3. |
Mr. Elisha Oranga |
Secretary General |
4. |
Ms. Rosalind Gicheru |
Vice Secretary General |
5. |
Mr. Paul Mwilu |
Treasurer |
6. |
Ms. Daisy Omondi |
Vice Treasurer |
Contribution of KUCAA to Kenya Utalii College
Mentorship Programmes: Alumni are involved in mentorship of the KUC students as guest speakers.
In-training placement: KUC association leadership works closely with the College to secure internship places for students.
Recognition of Best Students: Every graduation ceremony, the association gives two awards for best Certificate and Diploma programmes.
Recognition of Best Employees: The association partners with Kenya Utalii College to reward employees in the industry during the National Tourism Competitions.
- Grand Reunion: The Association organized a Grand Reunion for its members in August 2015
- Telegram platform: The alumni leadership has established an interactive telegram thread to enable members to network and exchange views.
- Representation in Tourism Professional Association (TPA): KUC Alumni is fully represented in the executive committee of the Tourism Professional