Practical Approach To Hospitality And Tourism Training By Kenya Utalii College

Practical Approach To Hospitality And Tourism Training By Kenya Utalii College.

Hospitality and tourism is a dynamic and fast evolving industry. This is attributed to the shifting consumer behaviour. Modern day consumers are highly knowledgeable and very demanding. They expect the best from the service providers. Since the human factor is very critical in guest experience, the quality of personnel is a matter of priority to hospitality establishments. The level of skills is therefore a major determinant in guest satisfaction.

Destinations are investing in quality training to ensure service excellence to guests.Kenya has not been left behind on this front. At independence, cognizance of this, the country established Kenya Utalii College. The College has distinguished itself as a trainer of choice. Graduates of the College have continued to excel in the industry both locally and internationally; proof of the quality of training offered by the Institution. In the recent past, however, many institutions have sprouted across the country. The unregulated training in hospitality and tourism industry has raised the question of relevance. Stakeholder particularly employers are concerned with mode of training being offered by various institutions. Issues of skills mismatch, have become very glaring in the hospitality graduates. Kenya Utalii College seems to have found a formula that addresses the market needs. Training at the institution is designed such that the students are equipped with both practical and theoretical knowledge. First, the students are given knowledge to be able to understand the subject matter. This prepares them to comprehensively understand the practical steps in training.

Secondly, the students are taught the practical skills. Kenya Utalii College has some of the best demonstration areas in the region. We have Demonstration and Individual Kitchens, Demonstration Restaurant, Laundry plant and a Training Reception for hospitality practical’s. The students also undergo further attachment at Utalii hotel to expose them to real life situation as expected in the industry. As for the tourism students, they are equipped with practical skills in the lab and educational/field trips.

Thirdly, an external industrial attachment, forms the climax of the hands-on training of the students. Both hospitality and tourism students are posted to various establishments in the industry. During the in-training, the students are evaluated by the industry personnel, as well as the College lecturers. The involvement of industry practitioners is to ensure that they are part and parcel of the training process. Note that the industry practitioners are involved in the final practical examinations to guarantee relevance to market needs.

Fourthly, to ensure the training meets international standards, the College engages external examiners to evaluate the management students. This process is done in consultation with the College tutors. External examiners are drawn from leading and reputable hospitality and tourism Schools in the world. As such, the examiners bring in global best practices, in the whole evaluation exercise.

All in all, the training at the Africa’s Premier Hospitality and Tourism Training institute – Kenya Utalii College – offers unique hospitality and tourism education tailored for the needs of the industry. Through a well-structured collaborative arrangement, the College works closely with the industry, to deliver quality training. That training model has ensured the College remains relevant in the face of stiff competition from other institutions.

Article By, Bernard Amaya, Lecturer and Alumni Coordinator at Kenya Utalii College