Speech By The Chairman, Kenya Utalii College Governing Council, Mr. Mwambu Muliro; During Kenya Utalii 45th Graduation Ceremony

This year, the graduation ceremony is taking place under circumstances that are different compared to past graduations. This gathering would have been packed with the graduating class, their families, guests and staff. This year, we have a representative number of students and guests in something that we now call ‘a virtual graduation’. It is a reflection of the changing times and our changing circumstances and for us to remain relevant, we must accommodate and embrace this change.

Our welcome this morning extends to people who are invisible to us but who are participating in this event “virtually”. Like the rest of the Country, Kenya Utalii College was affected by the Covid-19 crisis. Students on in-service training had their attachment interrupted, learning was suspended but actions were taken to ensure that students completed their training. The integrity of their preparation to serve the industry was also ensured. The events that we have faced this year made their journey unique. We thank the students for staying the course on the journey to the point of completing their studies. Without picking on specific people who have come together to make this day possible, may I thank the academic staff who ensured that students completed their training.

The Kenya Utalii College fraternity is today celebrating 382 students who have successfully completed their studies in various Hospitality and Tourism courses after a long journey that was filled with uncertainty. The fact that we are here today is a testament to a completed journey. We are proud to present them to the industry and invite them to join us in the building of our nation.

On behalf of the Kenya Utalii College Governing Council, I take this opportunity to congratulate the graduands for their resilience, commitment and determination. I also thank the College Management and the lecturers for coming up with ways to overcome the challenge of the adverse and unfamiliar circumstances which they faced, to ensure that these students successfully completed their course requirements. I highly appreciate the contribution made by parents, guardians, sponsors, industry stakeholders, well-wishers and all people who have walked with us on this journey.

We highly appreciate and are grateful to our National Government, who through the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife has given this institution the
much-needed support. This has made it possible for the Institution to carry out its critical mandate of training and building capacity for the hospitality and tourism sector. Special appreciation goes to our Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Najib Balala, EGH, for his valued guidance and counsel. We appreciate his dedication and effort in steering the recovery of the hospitality and tourism industry.

To the Kenya Utalii College 2020 graduating class, do not treasure your
graduation as an end. You still have a lot to learn, whether you elect to go into industry or continue with your academic journey. This is but a step in your journey of life. We wish you every success and much joy on your journey.