Association Of Hospitality & Tourism Schools In Africa (AHTSA)

In 1994 Kenya Utalii College pionered to Form  Association Of Hospitality & Tourism Schools In Africa (AHTSA)   following a joint initiative between Kenya Utalii College, Nairobi and Messrs Tourist consult of Basel, Switzerland.

The association was geared to  foster  development of expertise in member schools though quality evaluation program, capacity building, close networking with related Associations (local and international) and the tourism industry at large.

Today the association has 31 active members drawn from 15 different African countries namely, Kenya Uganda, Tanzania, Namibia, Reunion, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Zambia, South Africa, Ethiopia, Malawi and Zimbabwe. 

The association draws members from reputable hospitality institutions in the African region with an aim of facilitating cooperation and networking amongst member schools and the Hospitality and Tourism industry

The association’s aims to attain the highest standards in Tourism and Hospitality training within the African region, for the benefit of the hotel and tourism industry in the region through networking within and without member schools. It also supports liaison of member schools with other schools outside Africa for obvious mutual benefits.

The schools include Kenya Utalii College, Air Travel & Related Studies, Moi University and Kenyatta University in Kenya.

Others Hotel and Tourism Training Institute,  Mandela Institution Hotel & Tourism in Uganda, National College of Tourism, University of Tourism Technology & Business Studies, Catering and  Tourism Training institute, Ethiopia

10.          Ghana institute of management & public administration, Ghana

11.          Malawi Institute of Tourism, Malawi

12.          Mzuzu University, Malawi

13.          Arewa Hotel Development limited, Nigeria

14.          Topearl Institute of Hotel & Catering Management, Nigeria

15.          National Institute for Hospitality & Tourism, Nigeria

16.          Hotel & Tourism Training Institute Trust, Zambia

17.          Livingstone University, Zambia

18.          School of Hospitality & Tourism, Zimbabwe

19.          School of Tourism & Hospitality, South Africa

20.          North West Park & Tourism Hotel School Division, South Africa

21.          Ga- Rankwa Hotel School, South Africa

22.          Toung Hotel School, South Africa

23.          Cape Town Hotel School, South Africa

24.          Tshwane North College for FET, South Africa

25.          Vaal University of Technology, South Arica

26.          Western Technical & Vocational Educational Training College, South Africa

27.          Namibia University of Science & Technology, Namibia

28.          Institut National de Tourisme et d’ Hotelier, Madagascar

29.          Ecole Hôteliére Sir Gäetan Duval, Mauritius

30.          Lycee Hotelier,la Renaissance, Reunion

31.          Study Abroad Educational Services, South Africa


Our vision of the association is to be the leading professional organization in tourism and hospitality education, training and development in Africa, whilst our mission is to be an internationally recognized Association of Hospitality Schools, which reflects products and services of the highest standards through the commitment of its member schools.


The association has several objectives namely:-

             Promote the exchange of experience and know how amongst the member schools

             Encourage exchange programs for staff and students between member schools and promote

             Facilitate industrial attachments for staff and students of the member schools

             Promote the harmonization of course programs and curricula

             Establish common academic, disciplinary, organizational and professional standards and corresponding final awards.

             Assist member schools acquire AHTSA and or other international accreditation and recognition.

             Represent member schools at regional and international forums such as EUHOFA.

             Initiate and support joint research and development projects.

             Assist member schools organize and participate in national, regional and international hospitality and tourism competitions.

             Organize meetings, seminars, workshops, refresher courses in countries of member schools.

             Organize  academic conferences on Hospitality & Tourism Research

             Establish a training Centre for the training and development of teaching staff for the member

             Carry out such other activities as are reasonably necessary for the attainment of these objectives.


The Association has the following organs:-

                The Annual General.

                Special General Meeting.

                The Executive Committee.

                The Secretariat.

The Secretariat comprises of the Secretary and the Treasurer and shall have its offices at the Headquarters of the Association i.e. Kenya Utalii College. 

The association’s records, documents and accounts are subject to inspection by the auditors.  The Secretariat produces annually the accounts of monies received and payments made.  It draws up the annual statement of accounts including a statement of assets and liabilities.  The same is subject to audit.

For The Love Of Our Customers

The tourism and hospitality sector in Kenya has quickly picked up after a great slump as a result of the effects of Covid-19. When Covid-19