Healthy Eating Tips For Families 2019-2020

Healthy Eating Tips For Families 2019-2020
There is a lot of information on healthy eating on various communication media, including online platforms. The information given is important; however, there are several guidelines and principles that should be applied when considering healthy meals. Healthy eating constitutes not just what you eat but also, how you eat and where your food comes. One may feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting nutritional information that is out there. However, there is no need to panic as one can cut through the confusion by ensuring their diet is just varied (think of all the rainbow colors), tasty (good food tastes good and does not necessarily have to be prepared in a lot of oil for it to be tasty), and nutritious (contains all the essential nutrients in their adequate amounts).

Understanding what constitutes healthy eating can help people to consume the right type, quantity and quality of foods. The following principles should be applied when planning family meals, or when educating others about implementing healthy diets. Variety: Foods from at least four to five food groups should be included in the eating plan each day. Choices within each food group should be varied from day-to-day, depending on what is in season, available and affordable. Adequacy: Family meals should be enough to meet the nutritional requirements of each family member, depending on age, gender and other specific needs. Meals should be eaten in correct proportions and frequency. Balanced: This involves using enough, but not too much of each type of food. Kilo calorie (energy).

Control: Meals should not include too much or too little energy foods. Special consideration should go to children who only consume small amounts of food at a time. Nutrient density: This refers to eating well without overeating. The selected foods should deliver the most nutrients, for the least food energy. The term “nutrient dense” indicates the nutrients and other beneficial substances in a food have not been “diluted” by calories from added solid fats, sugars, refined starches, or by the solid fats naturally present in the food. For example, one can get about 300mgs of calcium from cheddar cheese, but cheese will provide more calories compared to milk.

Moderation: Some foods have few or no nutrients besides energy, and as such, they do not help to keep the body healthy. Such foods should be consumed in moderation. A good example is foods that contain high amounts of fat and sugar. Safety in food production, preparation and storage: Foods should be prepared, stored and served in a hygienic environment to prevent contamination.

Minimally processed: Most foods in family meals should be minimally processed unless they have been contraindicated.

Don’t skip your breakfast! Cut back on saturated fats and sugars Get moving by doing some physical exercises and maintaining healthy

Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day! A minimum of 8-10 glasses of
water is recommended per day.

So there! A free guideline to healthy eating that can automatically lead to
healthy living.!

By: Mercy. Ndiege
Lecturer, Kenya Utalii College

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